We have spent time compiling a long list of additional external resources and web links in order to help signpost you towards driving your own social or environmental change. We truly hope you’ll find the following useful. Please contact us with any additional ideas for resources we should be signposting…
International organisations supporting social entrepreneurs
- Acumen Fund: www.acumenfund.org
- Ashoka: www.ashoka.org
- Ashoka’s Changemakers: www.changemakers.com
- Ashoka’s Citizen base : www.citizenbase.org
- Ashoka’s Youth Venture: www.youthventure.org
- Avina Foundation: www.avina.net
- BRAC: www.brac.net
- Case Foundation: www.casefoundation.org
- Change.org: www.change.org
- Civic Ventures Purpose Prize: www.purposeprize.org
- Clearly So: www.clearlyso.com
- Draper Richards Foundation: www.draperrichards.org
- Echoing Green: www.echoinggreen.org
- Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation: www.emkf.org
- Good capital: www.goodcap.net
- Lemelson Foundation: www.lemelson.org
- Net Impact: www.netimpact.org
- Next Billion: www.nextbillion.net
- Omidyar Network: www.omidyar.net
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: www.rwjf.org
- Robin Hood Foundation: www.robinhood.org
- Institute for Social Entrepreneurs: www.socialent.org
- Schwab Foundation: www.schwabfound.org
- Skoll Foundation: www.skollfoundation.org
- Social Enterprise Alliance: www.se-alliance.org
- Social Fusion: www.socialfusion.org
- Starting Bloc: www.startingbloc.org
- Surdna Foundation: www.surdna.org
- Unreasonable Institute: www.unreasonableinstitute.org
UK specific organisations supporting social entrepreneurs
- Change makers: www.changemakers.org.uk
- Charities Aid Foundation: www.cafonline.org
- Emerge Lab: www.theemergelab.org
- NESTA: www.nesta.org.uk
- School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE): www.sse.org.uk
- Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship: www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/skoll
- Social Enterprise Ambassadors: www.socialenterpriseambassadors.org.uk
- Social Enterprise Coalition: www.socialenterprise.org.uk
- Social Enterprise Training & Support: www.setas.co.uk
- Social Enterprise UK: www.socialenterprise.org.uk
- Student Hubs: www.studenthubs.org
- UnLtd: www.unltd.org.uk
- Young Foundation: www.youngfoundation.org.uk
Other useful resources to inspire and facilitate change
- Blue Dot: www.bluedotworld.com
- Bridges Community Ventures: www.bridgesventures.com
- Bridgespan: www.bridgespangroup.org
- Dowser: www.dowser.org
- Do It: www.doit.org.uk
- Ethical Edge: www.myethicaledge.co.uk
- Good Magazine: www.good.is
- Greenbiz: www.greenbiz.com
- Guidestar: www.guidestar.org
- Keystone: www.keystonereporting.org
- NESsT: www.nesst.org
- New Economics Foundation: www.neweconomics.org
- New Philanthropy Capital: www.philanthropycapital.org
- New Profit Inc: www.newprofit.com
- Ode Magazine: www.odemagazine.com
- One World: www.oneworld.net
- RSA Talks: www.thersa.org
- Seeing The Leaves: www.scribd.com/doc/60031087/Seeing-the-Leaves-A-Newspaper-for-Social-Entrepreneurs
- SEKN: www.sekn.org
- Social Enterprise Magazine: www.socialenterprisemagazine.org
- Social Catalyst blog: www.socialcatalyst.co.uk
- Social Edge: www.socialedge.org
- Social Innovation Conversations – www.siconversations.org
- Stanford Social Innovation Review: www.ssireview.org
- TED Talks: www.ted.com
- The DoNation: www.thedonation.org.uk
- The Social Business blog: www.thesocialbusiness.co.uk
- The University of The Third Age: www.u3a.org.uk
- Treehugger: www.treehuger.com
- University Network for Social Entrepreneurship: www.universitynetwork.org
- Virgin Unite: www.virginunite.com
- World Changing: www.worldchanging.com
Job sites:
- BOND Jobs: www.bond.org.uk/jobs
- Charity Careers: www.charitycareers.com
- Charity Job: www.charityjob.co.uk
- Charity People: www.charitypeople.co.uk
- Charity Works: www.charity-works.co.uk
- Enternships: www.enterships.com
- Escape the City: www.escapethecity.org
- Guardian Charity Jobs: www.jobs.guardian.co.uk/jobs/charities
- Jobs in Charities: www.jobsincharities.co.uk
- London Loves Jobs: www.jobs.londonlovesbusiness.com/jobs/charity
- OneWorld Jobs: www.us.oneworld.net/jobs
- Philanthropy UK Jobs: www.philanthropyuk.org/resources/jobs
- Third Sector Jobs: www.jobs.thirdsector.co.uk/jobs
- Working for a Charity: www.workingforacharity.org.uk
Recommended further reading:
- Everyday Legends: the stories of 20 great UK Social Entrepreneurs by Baderman & Law (WW Publishing, 2006)
- There’s No Business Like Social Business by Black & Nicholls (Cat’s Pyjamas, 2004)
- Half the Sky by Kristof & Wudunn (Virago, 2010)
- How to Change the World by Bornstein (OUP, 2004)
- Your Chance to Change the World: the No-Fibbing Guide to Social Entrepreneurship by Dearden-Phillips (DSC, 2008)
- The Power of Unreasonable People by Elkington & Hartigan (HBS,2008)
- The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur by Leadbeater (Demos, 1997)
- The Social Entrepreneur by Mawson (Atlantic Books, 2008)
- Social Entrepreneurship: what everyone needs to know by Bornstein & Davies (OUP, 2010)
- Social Entrepreneurship: new models of sustainable change by Nicholls et al (OUP, 2008)
- Leadership in the Social Economy by Young & Edwards-Stuart (SSE, 2007)
- One Wild Life: A Journey to Discover People who Change the World by Mulvany (The Collins Press, 2009)